WINDOWS : WordPad (Grade 5)
Exercise (Answers)
Choose the best answer from the given alternatives.
1. Which of the following is a word processing program?
- Paint
- Word Pad👈
- Calculator
2. Which of the following is the component of a word pad?
- Title Bar
- Ribbon
- Both 👈
- Status Bar
- Zoom Control👈
- Text area
- Delete key
- Back space key
- Both👈
- Clipboard
- Save as
- Status bar
- Home tab👈
- View tab
- File tab
- Insert group of home tab👈
- file group of home tab
- Picture group of home tab
- Status bar👈
- Title Bar
- Picture Bar
- Word pad is a word processing program. (True)
- Quick Access tool bar holds mostly used commands like save, undo, redo, etc. (True)
- Title bar displays the name of currently used document's name. (True)
- In word pad, we cannot type the text. (False)
- The use of delete key is to separate the text, word, or letter. (False)
- You can use the backspace key or delete key to detect the mistake of word or letter. (False)
- Press the shift key without alphabet key to display the character in uppercase. (False)
- If your cursor is at the last position of the line, you can press the home key to bring at first.(True)
- Resize picture option makes the size of the picture only larger. (False)
a. Inserting picture in word pad.
ANS: We can insert the pictures in a word pad document with the help of the picture icon. Thus, the steps to insert picture on word pad are :
ANS: We can insert the pictures in a word pad document with the help of the picture icon. Thus, the steps to insert picture on word pad are :
- Place cursor where you want to insert the picture.
- Click on the home tab.
- Move your mouse on the insert group.
- Click on the picture button.
- Select the picture location and click on the required picture.
- Click on the open button to place the picture on the word pad document.
b. Inserting paint drawing picture
ANS: We can insert drawn picture directly from the paint program. Thus, the steps to insert paint drawing picture are:
- Click on the home tab and move the mouse on the insert group.
- Click on the paint drawing icon.
- Paint program window appears.
- Now we can prepare the drawing in paint program
- Then, Click on the file tab and choose the exit and return to document option to place the paint picture in word pad.
- Now, the picture will appear in the word pad document.
ANS: We can directly place the system date and time with the help of the following steps:
- Click on the Home tab and move the mouse on the insert group.
- Click on the date and Time icon.
- We will see different date and time format, then we can select the format as per our requirement.
- Then, click on the ok button to insert date and time in the document.
ANS: Some of the steps to replace the word in the Word pad program are as below:
- Click on the home tab and move the mouse on the editing group.
- Click on the replace option
- A replace box will appear.
- Type the text or letter or word on the find what box to which you want to change with new word.
- Type the new word that you want to place in replace with box.
- Click on the Replace button to change one by one or click on the Replace All button to replace the all words.
ANS: To insert bullet and numbering, we have to follow the following steps:
- Place the cursor where you want to start bullet and numbering.
- Click on the home tab and move the mouse on the paragraph group.
- Click on drop down list of start a list option.
- A list of options will appear.
- Click on the requires type of bullet or number style as per our requirement.
- Now, the bullet or number will appear on the document.
ANS: The steps to show the status bar in word pad is as shown below:
- Click on the status bar check box to show the status bar.
a. What is a word pad?
ANS: A word processing program of windows which allows us to create and edit the documents as per our requirement is known as Word Pad.
b. Write any six components of the word pad.
ANS: Any six components of the Word Pad are as shown below:
- Quick access tool bar
- Title bar
- Control buttons
- Ribbon
- Text area
- Status bar
ANS: The main purpose of space bar Key is used to separate the text, word or letter. And that of Home key is used to bring the cursor at very first position.
d. What is creating a new document?
ANS: Creating a new document means the process of showing the new working screen, where main text written, on the word pad.
e. Can you resize the image in word pad? If so, please write down the proper steps to resize the picture.
ANS: Yes, we can resize the image in word pad. The steps to resize the image are as shown below;
- Place any picture in a word pad.
- Single click over the image to select it.
- Click on home tab and move the mouse on the insert group.
- Click on the drop down list of picture icon.
- The options will appear like, Change picture, Resize picture etc.
- Choose Resize picture option.
- Then type the new value in the horizontal box to change the size of the picture.
f. What is find and replace command?
ANS: The Find command is the process of locating or searching the letters, characters or words in the document. And Replace command is the processing of changing the searched word into a new typed text.
If you have any doubts, please let me know.