HTML Programming

👉Learning Plan
After complete reading this, you will be able to:
1. Define HTML and explain its capabilities.
2. Explain the three tools to create and view an HTML document.
3. Differentiate between container tag and empty tag.
4. Explain the basic HTML tags.
5. Explain the basic elements of HTML.

💢 Introduction
The World Wide Web is an exciting new medium, bringing information, images, advertising and what not to every desktop. Do you Know that everything that you see on the Web is documents written in specific language called HTML.
HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language. It is an improved version of Standard Generalized Markup Language(SGML). Tim Berners-lee at Cern, Switzerland designed the original HTML document type in 1990. In 1992, Dan Connolly wrote the "HTML Document Type" and a brief HTML specification.

HTML and its Capabilities
HTML plays an important role in bringing you the Web pages. HTML and the web were first conceived in 1989 by Tim Berners-Lee who worked for Cern(Conseil European pour la Recherche Nucleaire). HTML is a Document-Layout and Hyperlink-Specification Language i.e., a document including text, images and other support media. The language also tells hoe to make a document interactive through special hyperlinks. Though HTML is a language that supports multimedia and new pages layout features yet it has its limitations. HTML is a page-layout and hyperlink specification language.


HTML Tools

HTML requires three tools to create and view an HTML document. These are:
a. Text Editor- Text editor are programs that are used to create or compose HTML documents. eg. Notepad, WordPad, MS-Word.
b. Web browser- Used to display and view the Html documents. eg . Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox.
c. Web Server- These are required when you want to store the HTML documents.

Basic Structure
All HTML document s should begin with the <html> tag and end with the </html> tag. These tags identify the document as having been written in html. The html documents is composed of two sections: The head and the body. These sections are identified by <head>, </head> and <body>, </body>.The head contains general information about the document. The body contains information which is a part of the document. Certain elements are allowed in the head(such as the title). Other elements are only allowed in the body.

HTML tag determines the way, the browser would display the text. A tag is an HTML command that controls the structure and appearance of the page document that is created. Every tag has attributes or special properties. The tags are always enclosed within a pair of angle brackets, i.e, < and > the text is written often the tags.
HTML tags are of two types.
a) Container tags or non-empty tags
b) Empty tags.

Container tag
It require an opening or ON tags and closing or OFF tags. ON tags are written within the angular brackets, but using a slash before the command. Foe example: <title> learning HTML </title>

Empty tag
Empty tags are those that do not require a closing tag. They just carry out their Specific job.
For example: <HR>,<BR>

Basic HTML Tags
There are three HTML elements that form the basic document structure of web page. These are:

HTML Element
The <HTML> and</HTML> tags are used to mark the beginning and end of an HTML document. This tag does not have any effect on appearance of document, This tag is used to make browsers and other programs know that this as an HTML document. Inside the <HTML> and </HTML> document's <HEAD> and <BODY> tags lie.

HEAD Element

The title of any document tells you about the contents of the document. It is used between <HEAD>..</HEAD> tags. This tag contain a number of other tags. The <TITLE>...</TITLE> tag is placed within the <HEAD>...</HEAD> tags enables you to provide a title for an HTML page.
For example:

BODY Element
The BODY element contains all the contents of a document which contains information about the document. Various mark-up elements are allowed within the body to indicate headings, paragraphs, lists, hypertext links, images and so on.
    Inside <BODY>...</BODY> tags, we can provide further six headings that correspond to different sections of the document. Heading level 1 is larger in size and bolder than the remaining five headings. It can be used to specify all the font changes, paragraph breaks before and after, and the white space necessary to show the heading. The heading range from <H1> to <H6>.

Solved Examples

Solved Examples for Paragraph alignment 
Where, <P>..</P> indicate a paragraph. 

Some memory bytes to remember:
👊The World Wide Web is an exciting new medium, bringing information, images, advertising and what not to every desktop.
👊The BODY element contains all the contents of a document which contains information about the document.
👊 The FONT element is used for specifying various font styles.
👊 All lines of text between the <CENTER>..</CENTER> tags are centered between the current left and right margins.
👊The MARQUEE element allows you to scroll the text. It is implemented by using <MARQUEE>...</MARQUEE>.
👊An IMAGE element (which consists of <IMG>) allows an image file to be inserted within an HTML document.
👊Tags is an HTML command that controls the structure and appearance of the page document that is created.